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How to protect yourself and your privacy

Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation - especially in the suburbs, Melissa Bean

Security is a big concern for everyone. Some typical security attacks include:

  1. Phishing attack. This is an attempt to steal private information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details.

  2. Malware is short for malicious software. Some examples are viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc. These are malicious and unwanted programs that are designed specifically to damage or disrupt computers, networks or mobile devices, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computers. Privacy is dead – get over it! Steve Rambam.

  3. Spam can be defined as electronic junk mail. It is an unsolicited email message from someone you don’t know that invites you to view pornography, purchase products and services, etc.

  4. Identity theft is a crime in which someone steals your identity and gains access to your bank accounts, credit cards, etc.

  5. Spyware is a combination of the words “spy” and “software”. They are programs designed to secretly monitor your activities and gather information about you and your online behavior without your knowledge or permission.

Actions you can take to be secure online

One thing is to spread rumors or talk badly about someone with a friend in the middle of nowhere, a real private conversation, let’s say you’ve just failed an exam and obviously, you blame the teacher for not doing a good job or being incompetent. It will not make you any smarter, prettier or more successful, but this communication is private and its scope is very limited. However, writing a blog post, a comment, a tweet, etc., about him or her is a quite different beast.

What you write today, could be read years, even decades from now and it can haunt you and your teacher for the rest of your lives. It could be other people’s first impression of you and of those whom you have written about. It can affect people’s reputations, friendships, livelihoods, and well-beings, as well as having a devastating effect on your life. Besides, writing false and defamatory statements is illegal, and you can get sued for it. Think very carefully about what you are going to say before you write it online!

There have always been boys who have been able to watch naked girls in the bathroom, showers, etc. When girls are drunk, some boys have often taken advantage of this situation, too. However, seeing a friend’s breasts during a crazy party is not the same as taking a photo or video and uploading it online. In the second case, this person is damaging her reputation and well-being for her whole life.

Before uploading any content, please consider your action’ implications and don’t upload any embarrassing or private photos or videos.

You can also use Google to know more about the scam. scam2

If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is a scam. scam3

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