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How to take screenshots

A screenshot is an image, somewhat like a photograph, that shows what's currently displayed on a screen.To take a screenshot of the entire screen on any Windows system, press the Print Screen key (it will be copied to the clipboard), and paste the screenshot (Ctrl+V) in a photo editing program (Paint, Gimp, etc.).

To take a full-screen screenshot in a macOS system , use the Command + Shift + 4 shortcut.

To take a screenshot of your currently active window (the one you’re working in), press Alt + Print Screen (it will be copied to the clipboard), and paste the screenshot in a photo editing program.

To take a screenshot of a window in a macOS system , press Command + Shift + 4, then tap the space bar. Hover the camera icon over any open window and click to take a screenshot of that particular window.

Another option is to use the Windows + Shift + S keys on your keyboard (Snipping Tool). The screen will dim and a toolbar will let you take a rectangular, free-form, full-window (Window Snip), or full-screen screenshot (Full-screen snip). Take a screenshot (it will be copied to the clipboard) and paste it in a photo editing program. Screenshots 

Besides, you can click the preview that pops up in the bottom-right corner of your desktop. The Snipping tool lets you draw on it with pen and highlighter tools, save the snip as JPG, GIF, or PNG, use an eraser, share and send the snip as an email attachment. Image 

To take a partial screenshot in a macOS system , press Command + Shift + 4, then click and drag the cursor (it will change to a crosshair pointer) to mark or select the area you want to capture. Lift your finger from the mouse button to take a screenshot and you will hear the shutter sound.

Third-party screenshot apps


# i3 config file (v4)
# Windows modkey
set $mod Mod4
# Mod4 + z is a shortcut to take a screenshot on my i3 config file
bindsym --release $mod+z exec scrot -s ~/Dropbox/misImagenes/%b%d::%H%M%S.jpg  
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