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How to download torrents

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete, Buckminster Fuller.

With BitTorrent, the cat’s out of the bag, Bram Cohen.

Torrent files are files that contain information on how to download a larger file using the BitTorrent protocol. To open a torrent file, you need a torrent client, such as µTorrent, Vuze, XTorrent, Transmission, or Deluge BitTorrent.

Beware: Avoid infringing copyright laws. Ensure your Internet file sharing activities are legal at all times. Torrent itself is not illegal, downloading copyrighted content is illegal in many countries.
Utilidades de Internet y productividad

  1. Find a reliable and updated torrent tracker list, select a torrent tracker website, search for your desired file, and select a torrent you want to download with a large number of seeders (torrent users that have the file available for downloading) and not many leechers (torrent users that are downloading the file currently, but are not seeding it).
    Be careful, many files found in torrent sites are copyrighted materials and there is no telling if the file has been tampered with, so you may end up downloading a malware program on your PC. Besides, downloading copyrighted material is illegal in most countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and most European states.
  2. Install a torrent client, such as BitTorrent, µTorrent, or Vuze. You can allow your torrent client to start each time Windows starts, Start µTorrent when Windows starts up. Besides, you may also need to configure your firewall, i.e., Windows Defender (this is the internal firewall inbuilt into the Windows operating system), so make sure to check Add an exception for µTorrent in Windows firewall.

    µTorrent is a lightweight desktop torrent client.

    How to download torrents
  3. Configure your torrent client by going to the Options menu, and select Preferences. Switch to the Directories section, and select the locations where you want to save your downloaded and torrent files. How to download torrents  Enabling both UPnP and NAT-PMP is a convenient way for µTorrent (and other programs) to forward ports without the need for manual router configuration, i.e., you don’t have to go to your router’s web interface and forward ports manually. Go to the Bandwidth section, to limit the maximum upload and download rate.

    If your router is not configured to accept UPnP or NAT-PMP port forwarding requests, make sure that the port used by µTorrent (e.g., 51183) for incoming connections is opened in your router (NAT port forwarding).

    How to download torrents 
  4. Open the recently downloaded torrent file. Typically, your torrent client will automatically pop up, open the torrent file, ask for the destination to save the content, connect, and start downloading.

    Using a magnetic link (they are safer and more useful than torrent files) is as simple as clicking the link on a website, and then everything is quite the same.

    How to download torrents 
  5. Next, you can check the progress of your download/s in the torrent client. When the download is complete, you should check for viruses using Virustotal.com or an antivirus, before opening the downloaded content.
    You may want to run a torrent client inside a virtual machine that only connects to the Internet through a VPN.
    How to download torrents 

Other BitTorrent clients


Transmission is a fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client for macOS, Windows, and Linux. It is one of the most popular torrent clients for macOS and GNU/Linux.

  1. Download and install Transmission. The installation is quite simple: They provide .msi/.dmg files (Windows/macOS), sudo apt install transmission (Ubuntu), sudo pacman -S trasmisssion-cli (Arch, daemon with CLI and Web interface -http://localhost:9091-) transmission-gtk (GTK 3 graphical interface).
  2. Download a torrent file and save it to your computer.
  3. Launch Transmission and open the torrent file by clicking on the Open button in the toolbar or from the main menu, select File, Open (Open Torrent File…). A window will pop up, select the Destination folder, make sure the Start when added is enabled, and click the Open button. After that, the download of the file will automatically start. Transmission 
  4. Now, you can check the progress of your download/s in the torrent client. Transmission allows you to pause, start/resume downloading, or delete the selected torrents by clicking on , or respectively. Futhermore, you can view more information about the currently downloading torrent by right-clicking on it and selecting Properties: status, download progress, duration, size, download speed, etc.
  5. To view and edit the Transmission preferences, select Edit, Preferences. You can set the maximum upload and download speeds you want to use with Transmission or set alternative speed limits at scheduled times.

    If your router is not configured to accept UPnP or NAT-PMP port forwarding requests, make sure that the port used by Transmission (Edit, Preferences, switch to the Network tab, Port for incoming connections) for incoming connections is opened in your router (NAT port forwarding). Otherwise, you could enable the Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router checkbox (Edit, Preferences, switch to the Network tab).

  6. To protect your privacy, go to Edit, Preferences, switch to the Privacy tab, and select Require encryption on the drop-down menu Encryption mode. Check Enable blocklist and Enable automatic updates, paste in http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=ydxerpxkpcfqjaybcssw&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz from I-BLOCKLIST, level1, and click UpdateTransmission  
  7. Transmission has a command line interface, too.
brew install transmission # Installing Transmission CLI (macOS). You can always use a GUI by opening your browser and then navigating to http://localhost:9091/
# Out of the box, the default settings are OK, we just need to set the download directory for completed torrents.
user@pc:~$ transmission-daemon --download-dir "~/myDownloadDirectory" 
user@pc:~$ transmission-daemon # Let's start the Transmission session.
user@pc:~$ man transmission-daemon # Read transmission-daemon's manual page.
# To add a new torrent or magnet link, pass the magnet or torrent file location as a parameter with the -a option.
user@pc:~$ transmission-remote -a ~/Downloads/ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent
localhost:9091/transmission/rpc/ responded: "success"
user@pc:~$ transmission-remote -l # Check the status of our downloads. It displays a list of loaded torrents and their status. Each loaded torrent has an ID in the left-hand column.
user@pc:~$ transmission-remote -t 1 -r # Select the torrent with ID=1 (-t 1) and remove it (-r)
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