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What is the best children's educational software?

Educational software is a term used for any computer software which is made for an educational purpose.

It has a lot of learning activities for children such as computer discovery (keyboard, mouse, touchscreen), reading (letters, words, reading practice, typing text), arithmetic (numbers, operations, table memory, enumeration, double entry table), science (the canal lock, the water cycle, renewable energy), geography (countries, regions, culture), games (chess, memory, align 4, hangman, tic-tac-toe), etc. GCompris


They have applications for Maths (Cantor, KAlgebra, KBruch -learning fractions-, Kig, KmPlot, Rocs), Language (Kanagram, KHangMan, Kiten, KLettres, KWordQuiz, Parley), Science (Kalzium, KStars, Marble, Step), Geography (KGeography), Blinken and Pairs (improve your memory), KTouch (a free typing tutor), KTurtle (learn the basis of programming with the cute turtle). etc.

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