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How to set up a new Ubuntu

Computers are good at following instructions, but not at reading your mind, Donald Knuth

Ubuntu is a free, stable, user-friendly, and very popular operating system. More technically, it is a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution. Let me share some ideas about what you could do after installing Ubuntu:

Once you have connected your Ubuntu to Google: A. Click on the Day/Time entry in the top bar, the Calendar popup will appear, it should display your Google Calendar events. B. Evolution (sudo apt-get install evolution): Open Evolution and check your gmail, calendar, and contacts. C Access your Google Drive: Files, myEmail@gmail.com.

Installation: sudo apt install gnome-tweaks dconf-editor gnome-weather gnome-shell-extensions gnome-shell-extension-manager. Customize Ubuntu

A GNOME Shell Extension is basically software that enhances the capability of GNOME desktop. Launch Chrome, visit the URL https://extensions.gnome.org/, then click on Click here to install browser extension. It will direct you towards the Chrome web store to install the GNOME Shell integration extension, just smash the Add to Chrome button.

Some cool extensions are:

  1. Burn My Window: it destroys your windows with style.
  2. Clipboard Indicator: it adds a clipboard indicator to the top panel and caches clipboard history.
  3. ArcMenu: it is an application menu for GNOME Shell.
  4. Vital: it is a monitoring tool that tracks and displays information about your system.
  5. OpenWeather: it displays weather information for any location.
  6. Surf: it lets you browse the web directly from the shell.
  7. User themes. Create two directories in your home directory: .themes and .icons. Download your themes and icons from GNOME-LOOK.ORG and put them in those recently created directories. Open Ubuntu Tweaks, Appearance, change your Icons and Shells.
  8. Improved Workspace indicator. It provides a workspace indicator similar to i3.

Besides, you can add more workspaces (Setting, Multitasking, Fixed Number of Workspaces; Number of Workspaces: 4). To move between your workspaces, press Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys. Learn and create new shortcuts: System, Keyboard, View and Customize Shortcuts, Custom Shortcuts, +: Name (terminal), Command (gnome-terminal), and Shortcut (Ctr + Alt + T).

If you want a more tiling window management experience, try Material Shell, Pop!_OS, or i3/Awesome.

  1. Installation: flatpak install flathub com.usebottles.bottles -y. You need to have already enabled Flatpak support.
  2. Launch it: Activities, Show Applications, Bottles.
  3. Tap on Create a new Bottle and it will begin to download and install required dependencies and libraries. Next, give it a name (e.g., myBottle), and then select the Environment (Gaming, Application or Custom) according to the type of Windows program you want to run, and finally tap on Create.
  4. Click on your recently created Bottle and then tap on Run. Select the executable of the Windows application (e.g., Notepad++) and the program will start installing, and immediately run afterward. Bottles 
    gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action 'minimize'
  1. Install Anbox and the Android Debug Bridge (ADB): snap install ‐‐devmode ‐‐beta anbox, sudo apt install android-tools-adb. If the Anbox container is not running yet, you can start it now: anbox.appmgr.
  2. Google Play Store: sudo apt install wget lzip unzip squashfs-tools (some required dependencies). wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geeks-r-us/anbox-playstore-installer/master/install-playstore.sh, chmod +x install-playstore.sh, sudo ./install-playstore.sh. Enable all the permissions for both Google Play Store and Google Play Services: anbox.appmgr, Settings, Apps, Google Play Services, Permissions.
  3. Connectivity problems? Try sudo /snap/anbox/current/bin/anbox-bridge.sh (re)start


Ufw stands for uncomplicated firewall

  1. Installation: sudo apt install ufw
  2. Basic usage. Enable/Disable ufw: sudo ufw enable/disable
  3. Reload ufw: sudo ufw reload
  4. Check the current sate of UFW. If it is active, it shows a list of rules: sudo ufw status verbose
  5. Allow ssh (sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp), Barrier (sudo ufw allow 24800), NFS (sudo ufw allow from [client IP address or local network] to any port nfs).
  6. Allow Synching: sudo ufw allow synching synching-gui

Backing Up with Déjà Dup

Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of backing up and uses duplicity as the backend.

  1. Installation. Ubuntu: sudo apt install deja-dup. Arch: pacman -S deja-dup.
  2. Launch it and tap on Create My First Backup.
  3. Next, you need to choose the folder/s that you want to back up and the ones that you want to ignore. By default, it backups your entire home directory and the Downloads folder is not included in the backup.
  4. Finally, you need to define where you want to backup your data (Storage Location: Google Drive, Local Folder, or Network Folder), a Folder you’d like to store it; and a Schedule: enable Back Up Automatically and choose Automatic Backup Frequency to be daily or weekly. Déjà Dup 


Timeshift is an open-source powerful backup tool similar to the Time Machine in Mac OS.

  1. Installation: sudo apt install timeshift.
  2. Launch Timeshift.
  3. RSYNC. This is the first step; you have to choose what type of snapshots you are going to use.
  4. Snapshot Location. You need to select the place in which Timeshift will save the snapshots. Ideally, you should save the snapshots in a dedicated disk or a different partition, perhaps one setup solely for storing the snapshots e.g., sdb1, my external hard drive formatted in ext4.
  5. Snapshot Levels. You need to define when to take snapshots and also how many snapshots will be kept.
  6. User Home Directories. User data is excluded by default, but you can change this setting: Include All.
  7. To restore a snapshot, open Timeshift, click on the snapshot you’d like to restore, and click on the Restore button. Next, select a target drive where you’d like to restore the snapshot. Timeshift will perform a “Dry Run” to test the snapshot, confirm by clicking on Next, agree to the disclaimer and just pray 😄.







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