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Dotfiles with Git + GNU Stow.

  1. We need to install stow, a symlink farm manager: sudo apt install stow git

  2. First-Time git setup. Set your user name and email address: git config ‐‐global user.name “userName”. git config ‐‐global user.email “myEmail@gmail.com. Then, check your settings: git config ‐‐list

  3. Go to github. Log in to your account. Click on the New repository button or the + icon, then click on New repository. Next you have to fill out a name of the repository (dotfiles), a description (it is really optional), and select its visibility or access permission (public -Anyone on the internet can see this repository. You choose who can commit- or private -You choose who can see and commit to this repository-).

  4. After that you have your new repository, so you can copy the repository link by clicking on the green Code button. Open a terminal and clone the repository (very easy setup):

      git clone https://github.com/nmaximo7/dotfiles.git
  5. Open the directory dotfiles with Visual Studio Code: code dotfiles.

  6. Mirror your home’s structure inside the dotfiles directory, e.g., create a directory git, and a file “.gitconfig” inside git; create a directory bash, and two files “.bash_aliases” and “.bashrc” inside bash. Manage and sync dotfiles with Git + GNU Stow

  7. Check if stow is going to create the right symlinks or not before creating then: stow ‐‐adopt -nvt ~ * (~ directory home, * the dotfiles directory).

    And then create them: stow ‐‐adopt -vt ~ * The flag -n tells stow not to perform any operations that modify the filesystem, but merely show what would happen. -t is the target (~, the home directory).

    MV: .config/calcurse/conf -> dotfiles/Calcurse/.config/calcurse/conf LINK: .config/calcurse/conf => ../../dotfiles/Calcurse/.config/calcurse/conf9.

  8. We use the git add . command to add any changes in the working directory to the staging area: git add .

  9. Save changes to the local repository: git commit -am “Initial commit”

  10. Upload the local repository content to our recently created github remote repository: git push.

  11. If you have a new computer, you will start by cloning the remote repository:

    git clone https://github.com/nmaximo7/dotfiles.git
    git pull # Update the local repository
  12. Stow the files and directories into the target directory. First, check that it is working as expected: stow ‐‐adopt -nvSt ~ *, then do it: stow ‐‐adopt -vSt ~ *

    git clone https://github.com/nmaximo7/dotfiles.git
    cd dotfiles
    stow --adopt -nvSt ~ *
    stow --adopt -vSt ~ *

How To Remove GIT History And Make Your Repo Smaller

Credits: How To Remove GIT History And Make Your Repo Smaller Credits: How To Remove GIT History And Make Your Repo Smaller,

git checkout --orphan abranchnane # Start a new branch from scratch without any previous commit history.
git add -A # Stage all changes in the working directory for the next commit.
git commit -am "Fresh start"
git branch -D main # The `git branch -D main` command is used to forcefully delete the specified branch named "main" in Git.
git branch -m main # Rename the current branch to "main" in Git. 
git push -f origin main # It pushes the renamed branch ("main") to the remote repository and sets it as the upstream branch.
git gc --aggressive --prune all # It performs garbage collection, which cleans up unnecessary files and optimizes the repository for better performance. --aggressive runs a more aggressive garbage collection 
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