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The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it, Winston Churchill.

If you want to succeed, you may want to consider the following ideas.

Even the highest towers begin on the ground, Chinese Proverb.

Nobody is born with innate knowledge. Everyone needs to learn and work hard in order to achieve success. Everyone makes mistakes and needs to accept challenges and setbacks in order to grow and learn.

Do not be discouraged if your goal seems too big, too far away or even impossible to achieve. Trust me on this, you can accomplish almost any goal by focusing on today’s task, one small action after another, by working very hard, not giving up, and having perseverance and determination in the face of adversity and obstacles!

Drop by drop the sea is drained, English Proverb.

The hope of achieving your goals, the character that you show day in and day out, the motivation of keep going, not matter what you do or how many times you screw up, give meaning to your path and offers enough psychological benefits that make it so worth it!

One of the key ideas is to start with a “mini goal”, in other words, to break your goal down into something more manageable, short-term, and specific. Even though it is not what you really want to achieve, it is a small but significant step in the right direction that you need to complete on your way to reaching your ultimate goal.

For example, if you want to lose weight and you have been a couch potato for the last decade, it may not be a good idea to set an unrealistic or very difficult goal like “I will go to the gym three hours from Monday to Friday,” “I am going to run a marathon three months from now,” or “I will follow a draconian diet.”

The chances of failure are greater with these tough objectives, which in turn, will increase your frustration and negativity.

Set a goal with a very realistic here-and-now approach. It should be something that requires effort and commitment, but not so much that chances are that you will not be able to accomplish it. It needs to be close to your capabilities, willpower, and circumstances. It’s also very important to ask for help to move forward when you need some support and be grateful with those that assist you.

These mini goals should be measurable, too. For instance, in our first example: “I will go to the gym for one hour and a half on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,” “I will stop eating those chocolate cookies that I really adore,” etc.

If you really want to succeed:

  1. Think big and dream boldly.
  2. Learn to turn your ultimate and long-term goals into smaller, more manageable, and concrete short-term objectives. These short-term objectives should be clear, specific, and measurable.
  3. Commit to them with courage and determination. We need to be willing to work with sacrifice, perseverance, dedication, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude.

When you achieve success, although your accomplishments may seem small or insignificant, you should really celebrate them, because you’re moving in the right direction.

If you fail, do not worry too much, and especially, do not give up, but try again. Never say you cannot do it, I repeat, always say I will try again and again till I get it right.

Did You fail At something? Good. Welcome to the Human race! Don’t be an egg, but a ball. You need to bounce back and you will be fine!, #justtothepoint (Anawim)

Did You fail At something? Good. Welcome to the Human race!

You cannot avoid making mistakes or suffering pain, setbacks, and adversity. However, you should get up and try again every time you fall down and make each of your mistakes and obstacles a learning opportunity.

If you fall seven times, stand up eight, Japanese Proverb.

Falling is allowed, getting up again is a must, Russian Proverb.

Do not leave it for tomorrow. Remember that “I will do it tomorrow” means I will definitely not do it today, I am procrastinating, and perhaps, I will never get round to doing it.

It is also important to understand that success is not only about achieving your goals and dreams as you had defined them initially. We need to be flexible in order to accept an impenetrable wall or adapt to an ever-changing reality; humble to admit our flaws, failures, limits, or bad planning; and ready to redefine our goals or find another way to reach them.

Finally, remember this: “Those who succeed do so in spite of failures and obstacles, by acting and not talking, by being able to adapt and reinvent themselves, by learning from their mistakes, by showing resilience and perseverance despite many setbacks and difficulties.”

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