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Fears & Phobias in kids

To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.

What is it?

Fear is an emotion, a basic survival mechanism, the ability to recognise danger leading to an urge to confront it or flee from it. It is also known as the fight-or-flight response.

There are many types of fears and phobias, from the fear of animals (spiders, insects, snakes, etc.), monsters, and ghosts, to fears of getting lost, of being alone, failure, the dark, the bogeyman, etc. Doubts and fears can prevent us from chasing our dreams, from achieving success in our personal and professional lives, and living life to the fullest.

Fears & Phobias in kids

You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind, Dale Carnegie

OK, what can we do about it?

  1. First, you may be interested in reading our free ebooks Monsters and There is a monkey under my bed. They are a gentle introduction to this frightening topic.

  2. It is necessary to recognize that the world is a scary place and we all have fears. We must accept them. Pause and remember - When you fight reality, you will lose every time. Once you accept the situation for what it truly is, not what you want it to be, you are then free to move forward, Jennifer Young

    The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. Let reality be reality. Truth is the only safe ground to stand on

  3. Do something to keep your brain entertained and busy so you don’t keep dwelling on it, like playing outside, taking a bath, reading some books, listening to music, watching TV, chatting with friends, etc.

  4. If you are scared of a dog, stand still and upright, then move quietly and slowly away from it. Do not run or scream. Don’t stare at the dog as you move away.

  5. If you are afraid of the dark, keep a night light on in the bedroom. Sleep with a flashlight or a comfort object, such as a stuffed animal, blanket, or doll. Put glow in the dark stars and planet stickers on the ceiling.

  6. The key to conquering your fears is only inside yourself. It all depends on the power and strength of your motivation to overcome your fears. If you really want to achieve something, you will do everything it takes to achieve it,” PsychTronics, How to overcome your fears within 10 seconds.

  7. Are you scared of monsters? HubPages advises you to watch Monsters Inc: “These monsters are actually scared of children and other humans like we are some kind of terrorists in their eyes”.

  8. Perhaps, we need extreme measures in place, as Prudent baby put it: “We have a problem and its name is MONSTERS! These dreadful beasts live in Scarlet’s closet and they are such pesky creatures […] We have had enough of their frightfulness and last week we declared THAT’S IT: Time to make some MONSTER SPRAY!

  9. Pray (that is, if you are a religious person) or meditate, read a good book, avoid scary and violent stuff (television, books, movies, etc.), find a security or comfort object (teddy bears, dolls, a favorite blanket), leave your bedroom door open, and use a night light.

  10. Tips for Parents: Try to make your child feel comfortable to express their anxiety and fears verbally. Take the time to listen to your child with love and support and have your child know that you are there for him or her. Talk to them calmly and ask them what you can do to help them.

    Unless we’re being physically threatened, the fear is only in our minds

Remember: unless we’re being physically threatened, the fear is only in our minds. Fear can be defeated by:

If you are are experiencing any kind of fear or you are in panic mode, please follow these simple instructions: sit down; breathe deeply, slowly, and fully to get enough oxygen; relax, try to calm yourself down so the fear recedes a little; apply some of the advice that we’ve offered you: get distracted, think logically, talk to someone, find a security object, etc.

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