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Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off. It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can, Anonymous.

Why do men say love when they mean sex? Sex is important, we all know that. We are sexual beings and we all crave for intimacy and bonding in our relationships. Sex is healthy and pleasurable, a stress relief in a very stressful world and unfortunately, it’s not getting easier or better anytime soon. However, its importance will decline over the years.

A relationship based on physical appearance, socioeconomic status, wealth, fame, or power is like a man who builds his house on sand. When the rain, floods, and winds beats against the house (disease, redundancy at work, aging, etc.), it will collapse into rubble.

But you shouldn’t give up on having a great sex life once you’re married. Intimacy is key to having a healthy, functional, and overall happy relationship, Chris Kraft

A house built on rock has its foundations firmly rooted in love, dialogue, forgiveness, patience, ability to compromise, and understanding. Storms and hurricanes will surely come, but the house will not collapse, it will stand firm.

Some tips for a healthy sexual life are:

If you are a woman, you should consider that men are promiscuous by nature. However, women who make a much greater investment in reproduction and childcare are designed to find the best possible mate to bear offspring with, to be more choosy. Therefore, before you get into a sexual situation that will be very difficult to control and reverse, take a deep breath, and think: is that what you really want? Is the relationship mature enough? Is everything under control? How will you practice safe sex? Which method of contraception should you use?

A good sexual relationship is built on emotional intimacy and closeness, Terry Gaspard

If your answer is that you’re not ready, tell him firmly and assertively. If you do not want to have sex before marriage, make your decision known to him up front. If he/she does not respect your decision, move on, you should end your relationship right away, as hard as it might be.

When boredom and fatigue are present in a long-term and stable relationship consider these ideas:

The rule of thumb is this: talk openly and honestly to your partner about sex, discuss your likes and dislikes, your feelings, needs, and limits, and find out what might work best for you and your partner now, and as time goes by, adapt to your new reality.

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