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Oral Hygiene

You don’t need to brush all your teeth… only the ones you want to keep.

You may be interested in reading our free e-book I hate brushing my teeth! for a gentle introduction to this health and hygiene topic.

What is a human tooth?

“Human teeth are small, calcified, hard, whitish structures found in the mouth […] Humans […] develop two sets of teeth, ” (en.wikipedia.org, Human tooth).

Oral Hygiene

  1. Brush your teeth after every meal, at least two times a day.  You don’t need to brush all your teeth… only the ones you want to keep.

  2. Visit the dentist at least twice a year.

  3. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, snacks, sugary foods, and fizzy drinks at all cost.

    Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is high in fruit, vegetables and fibre and low in saturated fat, sugar and salt, alongside being more active, will help you to maintain a healthy weight and lower your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers, Dr Alison Tedstone, Chief Nutritionist at PHE

  4. Don’t pierce your lips or any part of your mouth. Many say that piercings is a way to express yourself as an individual, to be cool, attractive, etc., but it can be dangerous.

    Your mouth contains millions of bacteria. When you get a piercing, you essentially have an open wound. It can lead to infection and swelling.

    Oral piercings can lead to infection and swelling

Bibliography: Colgate Kids

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